
Version 495 (modified by vpsingh, 17 months ago) ( diff )


Telecom Directorate Instruction

Letters of 2023

SNFile No.SubjectDateSalient Features
232023/TeleDev/TargetsFront loading of Capital Expenditure in the year 2023-24 18.04.2023Financial Targets
222023/CE-I/EDCE(G)/MiscInstructions for incorporating the JPO, Circular etc. provision in the Tender Document for all works requiring digging work close to Railway signaling, telecom, electrical etc. cables.18.04.2023Digging Work
212023/TeleDev/Unified CommunicatiionNetworking arrangement for FOIS DR 17.04.2023FOIS Network
202022/Tele/14(1)/2Mandatory Utilization of network of BSNL, MTNL & other similarly placed PSU like !RailTel and Powertel. 12.04.2023MTNL, BSNL Network
192020/Tele/15(18)/4(3317053)Adherence to PMI-MII Policy Guidelines – Clarification from DoT 05.04.2023DPIIT PMI-MII
182023/Tele/5(1)/1(3322591)Position of Telecom Assets in PCDO 28.03.2023Telecom Assets in PCDO
172020/Tele/Misc/1/1(3416153)Updation of Telephone Directory 24.03.2023Telephone Directory
162023/Tele/11(2)/1(3424021)Sending of Bulk SMS by PEs - Implementation of Directions issued by TRAI under the TCCCPR-2018 reg. 16.03.2023Bulk SMS by PEs
152022/Tele/14(1)/2 (REPC Clearnce)Minutes of Meeting held with DoT RE, IRCON and Railway Units in relation to REPC through VC on 21.02.2023 22.02.2023MoM REPC
142021/TeleDev/Telecom WorksWCR-Sanctioned Itemized Work Under PH-33 17.02.2023WCR Sanctioned Work PH-33
132021/TeleDev/Telecom WorksNWR-Sanctioned Itemized Work Under PH-33 17.02.2023NWR Sanctioned Work PH-33
122021/TeleDev/Telecom WorksNR-Sanctioned Itemized Work Under PH-33 17.02.2023NR Sanctioned Work PH-33
112021/TeleDev/Telecom WorksNR-Sanctioned Itemized Work-I Under PH-33 17.02.2023NR Sanctioned Work-I PH-33
102021/TeleDev/Telecom WorksER-Sanctioned Itemized Work Under PH-33 17.02.2023ER Sanctioned Work PH-33
92021/TeleDev/Telecom WorksECR-Sanctioned Itemized Work Under PH-33 17.02.2023ECR Sanctioned Work PH-33
82020/TeleDev/Implementation of LTETrials of 4G LTE-R systems in 500 RKM in SCR 15.02.2023Implementation of LTE
72020/TeleDev/CCTV ProjectDifficulties in implementation of CCTV Surveillance at Railway Stations.14.02.2023CCTV Project
62019/Tele/15(18)4 PtAdherence to PMI-MII Policy Guidelines14.02.2023Make in India (MII)
5C-22011/1/2021-Dir-TeleMinutes of the Meeting (VC) with CCEs All Indian Railways held on 10th Jan. 202309.02.2023CCEs MoM
42022/14(1)2 (REPC Clearance)Minutes of the Meeting (VC) with DoT, CORE & IRCON held on 06 Feb. 202306.02.2023REPC MoM
32020/Tele/15(10)3Clarification regarding tariff of additional Codec/ Camera installed for VVIP events at same Central/ Remote locations01.02.2023VVIP Events
22020/Tele/15(3)2Revision of Yardsticks of Telecom Department. PCSTE Committee Report16.01.2023Telecom Yardsticks
12023/Tele/15(13)2Incident of Malicious Communication reported by Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs).04.01.2023Malicious Communication

Letters of 2022

SNFile No.SubjectDateSalient Features
642020/Tele/15(18)4 Part(1)Common Examples of "Restrictive and discriminatory conditions against Local Suppliers" and "other conditions which makes the bid non-compliant to PPP-MII order" -reg.29.12.2022Make in India - Restrictive & Discriminatory conditions
632020/Tele/15(18)4 Part(1)Common Examples of "Restrictive and discriminatory conditions against Local Suppliers" and "other conditions which makes the bid non-compliant to PPP-MII order" -reg.23.12.2022Make in India - Restrictive & Discriminatory conditions
62C-22011/1/2021-Dir-TeleMinutes of meeting held with CMD/RCIL in the chamber of AM/Tele on 07.12.202216.12.2022RCIL MoM
6122011/1/2021-Dir-TeleMinutes of the Meeting (VC) with CCEs All Indian Railways held on 29 Nov. 202215.12.2022CCEs MoM
602021/TeleDev/Telecom WorksApproval of Itemised works under sanctioned sub-umbrella works vide items no. 704a (CR), 704b (CR), 685a (ECR), 26 (MR), 361a (NER), 873 (SR) of Pink Book 2022-23 under Plan Head - 3307.12.2022Telecom Works Review
592019/TeleDev/V-SATRegulatory payment for the operation of captive V-SAT on Indian Railways24.11.2022V-SAT
5822011/1/2021-Dir-TeleMinutes of the Meeting (VC) with CCEs All Indian Railways held on 28 Oct. 202224.11.2022CCEs MoM
572020/Tele/Misc./1Updation of Railway Board Telephone Directory & Internal Circular, हिंदी अनुवाद22.11.2022Directory Update
56C-22021/1/2021Minutes of meeting with CCEs/All Indian Railways held from 18-21.10.202218.11.2022MoM Works Review
552020/Tele/15(18)/6Proper announcement regarding the changed name of Railway Stations15.11.2022Rly Station Name
542019/Tele/8(1)/4Minutes of the meeting on CAP held on 20.03.2022 at Rail Bhavan for dissemination of information through IPIS under NDMA Cap Project.31.10.2022 CAP MoM
532022/Tele/11(6)/2Approval of works under sanctioned Sub-umbrella works vide item no. 477b ECoR, 869 SR, 596 SCR & 370 SECR Pink Book 2022-23 under Plan Head -3321.10.2022 Approval of Works
522020/Tele/9(1)/1Problem being faced by Railways in implementing IP-MPLS network20.10.2022 IP-MPLS Network
512022/Tele/11(6)/2Communication System inside Tunnels.19.10.2022 Tunnel Communication
502021/Tele/TW/1 WebsiteTraining course on pfSense firewall & uploading of latest OF Sense software on IRISET Website.17.10.2022 pfSense Software Training
49E(MPP)2021/1/1Revision of Yardsticks of Telecom Department & PCSTE Committee Report13.10.2022 Telecom Yardsticks
4822011/1/2021-Dir-TeleMinutes of meeting with CCEs All Zonal Railways held on 22.09.202210.10.2022 CCEs MoM
472021/TeleDev/ReviewofTelecomWorksTarget for IP Exchange over Indian Railways - FY 2022-2304.10.2022 IP Exch Targets
462022/Tele/MoMMinutes of meeting chaired by AM Telecom with DFCCIL Officials & CCEs NR, NWR & WR held on 23rd Sept. 2022 through Video Conferencing.04.10.2022 MoM DFCCIL
452010/Tele/3(5)/1 Pt.Frequent cuts in OFC and Quad Cable on account of various works over Indian Railways.29.09.2022 Cable Cuts
442019/Tele/11(8)/1Nomination of Nodal Railway coordination with RCIL for the AMC of Upgraded Railnet equipment, Security system & associated Data Centres and Railnet locations executed under the work of Upgradation of Railnet.27.09.2022 NCR-AMC for Railnet Upgradation
432022/Tele/9(3)/4Use of open source ‘Asterisk’ software for uniformity of IP exchanges over Indian Railways - Guidelines22.09.2022 Asterisk Guidelines
422019/Tele/11(8)/1Provision for AMC of up-graded Railnet equipment, security system & associated Data Centers and Railnet locations executed under the work of upgradation of Railnet19.09.2022 Railnet Upgradation
412020/TeleDev/Implementation of LTEInspection note of AM/Tele during her visit to SCR on 26.05.202201.09.2022Insp Note AM/Tele
402021/Tele/11(5)/2Reimbursement limit of landline & broadband at the residence of Railway Board Officers 30.08.2022 Landline & Broadband
392021/Sig/Estimate/DPRChecklist & Appraisal proforma for S&T sub estimate25.08.2022Checklist
382021/TeleDev/ ReviewofTelecomWorksRevised Targets for Telecom Works FY 2022-2324.08.2022Revised Telecom Targets
372021/Tele/Boards/MoMImportant Points that emerged during Chairman and CEO Review of Telecom Dte on 05.08.2022 23.08.2022 Chairman & CEO MoM
362010/Tele/3(5)/1 Pt.Updated Cable Route Plans 17.08.2022 Cable Route Plans
352020/Tele/15(18)/6Common Portal for Information about spares of Exchanges - ITMS Portal for reference letter click here & for Registration Process click here05.08.2022 Common Portal
342020/Tele/14(1)/1Regarding surrendering of 1.6 MHz spectrum in 900 MHz band.04.08.2022 OM DoT
33C-22011/1/2021-DIR-TELEMinutes of meeting with CCE/All Zonal Railways held on 12.07.2022 through Video Conferencing02.08.2022 MoM CCE
322015/Tele/15(9)1 PtVideo Conferencing testing and Do's & Don'ts.01.08.2022VC Testing
312010/Tele/3(5)1ptCommittee for Protection of Telecom Cables29.07.2022 Committee Telecom Cable Protection
30C-22011/1/2021-DIR-TELEMinutes of Coordination meeting with RailTel held on 15.07.202229.07.2022 MoM RCIL
29C-22011/1/2021-DIR-TELEMinutes of meeting with CCE/All Zonal Railways held on 17.06.2022 through Video Conferencing28.07.2022 MoM CCE
282010/Tele/3(5)/1Review & Standardization of Maintenance Schedules and AMC/ARC contracts for Telecom Equipment/System used on Indian Railways-Datacom Equipments 20.07.2022Maintenance Schedule
272015/Tele/15(9)/1 Pt.Maintenance of Network Architecture for Video Conferencing Setup across Railways19.07.2022Network Architecture VC
262015/Tele/15(9)/1 Pt.Action Plan for Improving Network Architecture for Video conferencing setup across Railways for intrruption in VC of Hon'ble MR on 01.07.2022 click here09.07.2022 Network Architecture VC
25C-220/11/1/2021Minutes of meeting with CCEs of Zonal Railways held on 26 & 27 May'22 & 08, 09 & 16 Jun'22 through Video Conferencing23.06.2022MoM CCE
242017/Tele/11(2)/1Pt.Replacement of CoWs with regular Pole Mount/Towers21.06.2022 Replacement of CoWs
23C-22011/1/2021-DIR-TELEMinutes of meeting with CCE/All Zonal Railways held on 18.05.2022 through Video Conferencing15.06.2022MoM CCE
222021/Tele/15(10)/3Monsoon Precautions for Telecom Systems for attchment click here10.06.2022 Monsoon Precautions
212010/Tele/3(5)/1Review & Standardization of Maintenance Schedules and AMC/ARC contracts for Telecom equipment system used on Indian Railways-Telephone Exchange06.06.2022Maintenance Schedule
202020/Tele/15(10)/1Creation of Ping Server for monitoring of Telepresence services.02.06.2022Ping Server
192020/Tele/7(4)/1Wi-Fi Dashboard for Railways on Railnet31.05.2022Wi-Fi Dashboard
18C-22011/1/2021-TELEMinutes of Coordination meeting with Railtel held on 20.05.202227.05.2022RCIL MoM
172022/Tele/15(7)/1-TAPTelecom Action Plan 2022-2320.05.2022TAP 2022-23
16 2022/Tele/11(2)/1New CUG mobile scheme for Indian Railways - monitoring of QoS reg. 11.05.2022CUG Coverage proforma
15 2022/Tele/15(18)/2 (CRB ref)Matter of Urgent Public Importance raised during Zero Hour of Lok Sabha on 16.03.2022 - हिंदी अनुवाद07.05.2022Lok Sabha Matter
142020/TeleDev/LTE ImplementationMoM held on 28.04.2022 with RCIL02.05.2022RCIL MoM
13C-22011/1/2021-DIR-TELEMoM with CCE all Zonal Railways held on 11.04.202228.04.2022CCE MoM
12 MoUMemorandum of Understating between Indian Railway & CDoT27.04.2022MoU
112021/TeleDev/ ReviewofTelecomWorksTargets for Telecom Works FY 2022-2326.04.2022Telecom Targets
102010/Tele/11(3)/1Availability of VHF sets with Crews to Train Running/Operations07.04.2022Availability of VHF sets with Crews
92010/Tele/3(5)1ptReview & Standardization of Maintenance Schedules and AMC/ARC contracts for Telecom equipment system being used on Indian Railways - IPIS Maintenance Schedule Committee Report click here 06.04.2022Maintenance Schedule-IPIS
82021/Tele/11(7)/2Study for migration of Railnet from IPv4 to IPv6. 04.04.2022IPv6
72020/TeleDev/CCTV ProjectRegarding Security concern with respect to CCTV surveillance. 04.04.2022CCTV Surveillance
62011/Tele/11(2)/1Extension of existing contract of CUG Mobile Scheme for IR31.03.2022CUG Scheme
52020/TeleDev/e-office implementationImplementation of eOffice application in all RCTs21.03.2022eOffice
42022/Tele/MoMMoM with CCE all Zonal Railways held on 24.02.202214.03.2022CCE MoM
32020/Tele/9(1)/1Deregulation & Decontrol of select Telecom Items21.02.2022Telecom Items
22020/Tele/Board/MoMMoM with CCE all Zonal Railways held on 03.01.202224.01.2022CCE MoM
12003/Tele/RCIL/1 Pt.IXProcedure for undertaking digging work in the vicinity of Signaling, Electrical and Telecommunication Cable 14.01.2022Digging Work

Letters of 2021

SNFile No.SubjectDateSalient Features
332021/Tele/11(4)/1Use of Multi SIM Aggregators by Zonal Railways in ARTs etc.27.12.2021Multi SIM Aggregator
322021/Tele/11(2)/1Extension of existing contract of CUG Mobile scheme for IR16.12.2021CUG Contract
312020/Tele/15(18)/1Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) order-2017. Notification of Telecom Goods, Services or Works06.12.2021Make in India
302021/TeleDev/Review of Telecom WorksRevised Target for Telecom Works- FY 2021-2230.11.2021Revised Target NER
292020/Tele/15(18)/1Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) order-2017.10.11.2021Make in India
282020/Tele/DFC/1Interface between DFCCIL Admin Telephone Network and IR Telephone Network for communication.03.11.2021DFCCIL STD Code
272020/Tele/WL/2/ MiscRegarding surrendering of 1.6 MHz spectrum in 900 MHz band PCSTEs letter, Secy DoT letter & MD DFCCIL Letter03.11.20211.6 MHz Spectrum
262021/Tele/16(1)/12nd Quarter progress of OFC and Quad Cable FY2021-2202.11.2021Target vs Achievements
252021/Tele/16(1)/1Provision of CUG Phones on Indian Railways29.09.2021CUG Post Specific
242020/Tele/15(18)/1Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) order-2017. Notification of Telecom Goods, Services or Works - regarding20.09.2021 Make in India
232021/Tele/8(1)/6Action Plan on Accident Investigation/Inquiry under the "Project for Capacity Development on Railway Safety".13.09.2021VHF Voice Recording
222020/Tele/15(18)/1Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) order-2017. Notification of Telecom Goods, Services or Works - regarding03.09.2021Make in India
212020/Tele- Dev/ Umbrella WorksApproval of Works under sanctioned Umbrella Works Item No. 597 (NCR), Item No. 286(NWR)of Pink Book 2021-22 under Plan Head-3325.08.2021Umbrella Works
202020/Tele/11(4)/1Procurement of BSNL Satellite Phones13.08.2021Satellite Phone
192007/Tele/TCM/1 Pt.Adoption of New Indian Railways Telecom Manual-202106.08.2021Telecom Manual-2021
182021/Tele/4(3)/13 Updation of Railways and Railway Board Telephone Directory03.08.2021Telephone Directory
172021/Tele Dev/ Unified CommunicationGuidelines regarding use of Ethernet interfaces for PRS/UTS and other data communication circuits (FOIS, COIS & CMS)29.07.2021 PRS/UTS Ethernet Interface
162010/V(C)/VigilanceMIS/Proj/4Migration of Vigilance network to Railnet08.07.2021Vigilance Network
152020/Tele/14(3)/1Merger of Helpline Numbers 138 & 182 to Rail-Madad Helpline 139 over Indian Railways05.07.2021 Rail Madad Helpline
142021/Tele/15(10)/3Monsoon Precautions for Telecom Systems23.06.2021 Monsoon Precautions
132021/Tele- Dev/ Telecom WorksApproval of works under sanctioned Umbrella Works vide Item no. 601 of Pink Book 2021-22 (NCR) under Plan Head-3318.06.2021 Umbrella Works
122012/Tele/15(3)/2Provision of Clock & PA System15.06.2021 Clock & PA System
112021/Tele/TW/1 WebsiteProvision of updated Digitized Cable Route Plans on divisional websites 25.05.2021Digitized Cable Route Plans
102021/Tele Dev/ Review of Telecom WorksTargets for Telecom Works - FY 2021-2211.05.2021Telecom Works Targets
92021/Tele Dev/ Review of Telecom WorksOFC and Quad Cable Target Vs Progress for 202007.05.2021Target Vs Progress
82020/Tele- Dev/ Umbrella WorksApproval of works under sanctioned Umbrella Works Vide Item no. 453 (WCR), Item no. 383(NER), Item No. 736 (ECR) & Item no. 1009 (SR) of Pink Book 2020-21 under Plan Head-3312.03.2021Umbrella Works
72020/Tele Dev/CCTV ProjectProvision of Video Surveillance System at Station under SR, SECR, SWR & WCR02.03.2021Provision of VSS
62020/Tele Dev/eOffice ImplementationImplementation of e-Office over Indian Railway02.03.2021eOffice Ph 1,2,3
52020/Tele Dev/CCTV ProjectProvision of Video Surveillance System at Station at NFR27.01.2021VSS NFR
425020/1/2020-TeleProvision of VPN Connections for access of eOffice in Zonal Railway27.01.2021VPN for eOffice
3B-25011/1/2015-C&ISMaintenance and replacement of Datacom equipments of FOIS & Other IT application network20.01.2021Datacom Equipment Maintenance
22020/Tele Dev/ e-office phase-3Detailed Estimate for eOffice application for Zonal Railways (Phase-3)18.01.2021Detailed Estimate eOffice Ph-3
12020/Tele/14(3)/1Integration of ERSS with Railway emergency services - reg15.01.2021Helpline 139

Letters of 2020

SNFile No.SubjectDateSalient Features
222020/Tele- Dev/ Umbrella WorksAppraisal and approval of work list under Umabrella Works for PH-33 (Signalling & Telecom) & PH-29 (Road Safety Works - LevelCrossings)23.12.2020Umbrella Works
212020/Tele/22(1)/20 Pt.Numbering Scheme for Video Phones for Indian Railways24.11.2020Video Phone Numbering Scheme
202020/Tele/15(18)/6Repair maintenance by Railways in respect of CCTV cameras installed at Chitpur Rail immigration check post and similar other Rail immigration check posts.19.11.2020CCTV Maintenance
192020/Tele/9(1)/1RDSO controlled Telecom items proposal for delisting17.11.2020Telecom Items delisting RDSO
182020/Tele Dev/ Implementation of LTEImplementation of LTE-R on Indian Railways22.10.2020Implementation LTE-R
172020/Tele Dev/CCTV ProjectProvision of IP Based VSS at Stations under Nirbhaya Fund13.10.2020VSS Project
162020/Tele/TW/1 Data NetworkInstallation of SSL Certification in all Government Website for Attchment1 click here & for Attachment 2 click here05.10.2020Installation of SSL Certificate
152020/Tele Dev/ e-office phase-3Implementation of e-Office application for Zonal Railways (Phase-3) 09.09.2020 E-office (Ph3) (Abstract Estimate)
142020/Tele Dev/ e-office phase-3Implementation of e-Office application for Zonal Railways (Phase-3) 08.09.2020 E-office (Phase 3)
132020/Tele Dev/ Wi-Fi Facillity/stnsProvision of Wi-Fi facility through VPN solution at stations by M/s Tata Trust for List of Stations Click here03/04.09.2020Wi-Fi at Stations
122020/Tele/15(7)/1PRIME for Telecom06.08.2020 Telecom PRIME
112020/TeleDev/CCTV ProjectsProvision of Civil and Electrical Works for Video Surveillance System (VSS) at Stations. for MoU Click here & for Detailed Estimate click here09.07.2020 Civil & Electrical Works for VSS
102020/Tele/12(1)/1Issue of Plan 'D' CUG SIMs to Zonal Railways 15.06.2020Plan 'D' CUG SIMs
92020/Tele/15(10)/1Proper maintenance of Tower 02.06.2020Tower Maintenance
82010/Tele/3(7)/2Targets for Telecom Works - FY 2020-21 22.04.2020Targets 2020-21
72017/Tele/3(8)1 Pt.1Provision of Video Recording at Stations Master Room/Panel Rooms and Relay Roos20.04.2020 Video Recording
62010/Tele/3(7)/2Approval of works under sanctioned Umbrella works of Pink Book 2019-20 under Plan Head- Umbrella Works
52010/Tele/3(7)/2Approval of works under sanctioned Umbrella works vide item no. 92 of Pink Book 2019-20 under Plan Head- Works
42019/Tele-Dev/e-office (Ph-2)Implementation of e-Office for Zonal Railways (Phase -2).12.02.2020 e-Office Implemetation
32010/Tele/3(7)/23rd Quarter Progress of OFC and Quad Cable for FY 2019- Progress 3rd Quarter
22020/TeleDev/InnovationDetecting faulty sleeper and glued joints using Cable Route Locator. 09.01.2020 Detecting faulty sleeper and glued joints
12019/Tele/TW/1 Data NetworkRegarding creation of Delegate Admin Account - NIC 06.01.2020Delegate Admin

Letters of 2019

SNFile No.SubjectDateSalient Features
292010/Tele/9(1)/1 Pt.1Renew of specification of Optical Fibre Cable (OFC) and Fibre Distribution Management System. 31.12.2019Specs. of OFC & FDM System
282010/Tele/14(3)/1Integrated Railway Helpline (139) & Rail Madad 30.12.2019Integration of Helpline
272010/Tele/11(3)/1Procurement of VHF Sets Improvement in Quality 11.12.2019Procurement of VHF Sets
262019/Tele/Dev/e-office (Ph-2)Implementation of e-office for Zonal Railways (Ph-2) 02.12.2019Implementation of e-office (Phase-2)
252019/Tele-Dev/ Wi-Fi Facillity/stnsMaintenance of Wi-Fi Facillity at 4791 stations by M/s.Tata Trust. For Contract click here26.11.2019Maintenance of Wi-Fi (STNs)
242019/Tele/Dev/e-office (Ph-2)Implementation of e-office for Zonal Railways (Ph-2) 20.11.2019Implementation of e-office (Phase-2)
232019/Tele/3(2)/2 (PA System)Provision of Minimum Essential Amenities at Stations - Telecom Items 11.11.2019Provision of MEA at Stations
222015/Tele/15(18)/4Public Procurement(Preference to Make in India) order - 2017- Notification of Telecom Products Service or Works - regarding 31.10.2019Public Procurement (Preferences Make in India) Order,2017
212019/Tele/15(18)/4 Pt.Restrictive and discriminatory condition against the local supplier in Violation of Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017 - Regarding. 30.09.2019Violation of Public Procurement (Preferences Make in India) Order,2017
202018/Tele/3(8)/1Provision of Video Surveillance System at 983 stations under Nirbhaya Funds 30.09.2019VSS at 983 Stns under Nirbhaya Fund
192011/Tele/6(3)/4Record Note of discussions of the meetng in connection with Wi-Fi Roll out at Stations dated 19.09.2019 27.09.2019Wi-Fi Roll out at Stations
182019/Tele Dev/ Fire AlarmProvision of Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm System in Telecom Installations. 27.07.2019Fire Alarm at Telecom Installations
172019/Sig/WP/IR/1Signal & Telecom works proposal in WP 2019-20 under PH-33 & PH-29 15.07.2019 Signal & Telecom works proposal
162018/Tele/6(4)/3 Pt.Making more stations feasible under the provision of Wi-Fi facillity at 4791 stations by Ms Tata Trust 12.07.2019Wi-Fi at Stations
152010/Tele/11(1)/1 Pt.Execution of Mobile Train Radio Communication System (MTRC) on GSM-R over Indian Railways. 25.06.2019Execution of MTRC over IR
142019/Tele/12(1)/1Record Note of discussions of the meetng regarding improvement of CUG Mobile Network coverage over Indian Railways. 14.06.2019Improvement of CUG Mobile Network coverage
132019/Tele/6(3)/4Record Note of discussions of the meetng in connection with maintenance and handover OFC over North Frontier Railway (NFR) at Railway Board on 12.06.2019. 12.06.2019Maintenance and handover OFC over NFR
122019/Tele/12(1)/1Provision of free 200 SMS/dayper SIM on CUG numbers 11.06.2019Free 200 SMS/dayper SIM on CUG numbers
112019/Tele/6(3)/4Record Note of discussions of the meeting in connection with maintenance and handover OFC over North Frontier Railway (NFR) at Railway Board on 31.05.2019 03.06.2019Minutes of Meeting OFC Handover to NFR
102018/Tele/12(1)/2Permission for procurement of BSNL Satellite Phones 28.05.2019Satellite phone Procurement orders for NFR & WR
92018/Tele/12(1)/2Nomination of Single Point of Contact for execution of MoU for Wi-Fi20.05.2019-
82018/Tele/12(1)/2Revised OFC and Quad cable targets for FY 2019-2017.05.2019Revised OFC and Quad cable targets
72019/Tele/6(3)/4Record Note of discussions of the meetng in connection with provision of Wi-Fi facility at 4791 Railway Stations by Tata Trust.17.05.2019Minutes of Meeting
62010/Tele/14(3)/1Integration of Railway Helpline No. 13917.05.2019 Integration of Railway Helpline No. 139
52008/Tele/6(4)/3Provision of Power Supply for Wi-Fi facility at 4791 Railway Stations14.05.2019Provision of Power Supply for Wi-Fi facility at 4791 Railway Stations
42018/Tele/12(1)/2Provision of Minimum Essential Amenities at Stations-Telecom Items29.04.2019-
32019/Tele Dev/VSATRecord Note of discussions of the meeting in connection with maintenance of VSAT HUB and VSAT's provided over Indian Railways taken by AM/Tele on 05.04.2019.12.04.2019Minutes of Meeting regarding maintenance of VSAT HUB & VSAT
22010/Tele/8(7)/2OFC and Quad cable targets for FY 2019-2010.04.2019OFC & Quad Cable Targets
12018/Tele/12(1)/2Minutes of meeting held on 18.03.2019 in railway Board for providing Wi-Fi at 4791 Railway Stations by Tata Trust26.03.2019Minutes of Meeting

Letters of 2018

  1. Pole mount Towers Provision of CoW along with Pole Mount/Towers on Railway Land & Building. Lt.No. 2017/Tele/11(2)/1 pt Dtd. 14/12/2018
  2. IBS Installation of In-house Building Solution (IBS) at Railway Premises. Lt.No. 2017/Tele/11(2)/1 pt Dtd. 03/12/2018
  3. VHF Sets Streamlining: Procurement, Distribution, Maintenance & condemnation of hand held VHF (Walkie-Talkie) sets over IR. Lt.No. 2018/Trans Cell/S&T/VHF Dtd. 15/11/2018
  4. Make in India Public Procurement (preference to make in India), order 2017. Lt.No. 2015/Tele/15(18)/4 Dtd. 10/09/2018
  5. ISS on IR Integrated Security System on IR - Procurement and Maintenance of Equipments. Lt.No. 2017/Tele/12(1)/2 Dtd. 16/07/2018
  6. CUG Extension CUG scheme Extension. Lt.No. 2017/Tele/11(2)/1 Dtd. 23/04/2018
  7. Electricity for Kiosk & Wi-Fi System Provision of Electricity for running the Kiosk and Wi-Fi System at Rural Stations on D&E routes at "actual charges basis". Lt.No. 2017/Tele/6(4)/2 Dtd. 31/01/2018

Letters of 2017

  1. Inspection VSS Inspection pertaining to Video Surveillance System (VSS) being implemented on Indian Railways.Lt.No. 2017/Tele/3(8)/1 Dtd. 13/12/2017
  2. CCTV Cameras Provision of CCTV Cameras at non-critical locations not pertaining to security in train operations.Lt.No. 2017/Tele/3(8)/1 Dtd. 28/11/2017
  3. Security Helpline Upgradation of Security Helpline-182. Lt.No. 2017/Tele/14(3)/1 Dtd. 27/11/2017
  4. FCT for LC Gates Manning of LC Gates to eliminate unmanned LC Gates - Working method for telephonic communication.. Lt.No. 2010/Tele/11(11)/1 Pt. Dtd. 31/10/2017
  5. CUG for Safety Staff Provision of CUG SIMs to Safety Category Maintenance Staff. Lt.No. 2010/Tele/11(2)/2 Dtd. 21/09/2017
  6. CUG for Safety Staff Provision of CUG SIMs to Safety Category Maintenance Staff. Lt.No. 2010/Tele/11(2)/2 Dtd. 18/09/2017
  7. Satellite Phone Procurement of Satellite Phones and shifting of working to BSNL's Gateway. Lt.No. 2012/Tele/11(4)/1 Dtd. 28/08/2017
  8. CCTV PRS Provision of CCTV coverage at Passenger Reservation System (PRS) Counters. Lt.No. 2016/Tele/3(2)/1 Dtd. 12/06/2017
  9. GST Rates Notification of GST Rates on Good & Service. Lt.No. 2016/AC-II/6 Vol.II Dtd. 05/06/2017

Letters of 2016

  1. Video Surveillance Provision of video surveillance system at 1000 A1, A, B & C category stations on Indian Railways. Lt.No. 2015/Tele/3(7)2 Dtd. 27/07/2016
  2. Video Conferencing Provision of video conferencing facility for DRMs, GMs of PUs and DG/RDSO at 58 locations. Lt.No. 2015/Tele/15(10)2 Dtd. 22/06/2016
  3. CCTV Tatkal Counter Budget Initiative - CCTV coverage at Tatkal counters. Lt.No. 2016/Tele/3(2)1 Dtd. 10/06/2016
  4. Railnet Upgradation of Railnet - Policy. Lt.No. 2009/Tele/TW/1 Dtd. 06/06/2016
  5. Video Surveillance Sanction of works for provision of Video Surveillance. Lt.No. 2015/Tele/3(7)2 Dtd. 09/05/2016
  6. Video Conferencing Provision of Video Conferencing facility for HQ of CORE,NFR (Construction)and at all the 17 Zonal Railways. Lt.No. 2015/Tele/15(10)/2 Data Network Dtd. 31/03/2016
  7. ME and ML - Revised list of Directorate in Board's office working under Board (ME and ML)Lt.No. 2016/O&M/8/1 Dtd. 17/03/2016
  8. Email Policy - Implementation of "email policy of Government of India". Lt.No. 2010/Tele/TW/1 Data Network Dtd. 05/02/2016
  9. OFC Assets - OFC Assets created by Railway PSUs against sanctioned Pink Book works.Lt.No. 2005/Tele/RCIL/1 Dtd. 05/01/2016

Letters of 2015

  1. Guideline - Addressing of letters to Railway Board. Lt.No. 2015/AM(Tele)/Misc. Dtd. 16.11.2015.
  2. Analysis of Calls of Train Crew - Analysis of calls to and from CUG SIM's allotted to Train Crew between Sign ON and Sign OFF. Lt.No. 2010/Tele/2(1)/1/Pt. Dtd. 12.10.2015.
  3. TelePresence Facility - Charges for availing Tele Presence facility. Lt.No. 2015/Tele/ASTE/VideoConf.R.Tel Dtd. 12.08.2015.
  4. Satellite Service - Satellite Service - Roadmap for establishment of gateway in India. Lt.No. 2012/Tele/11(4)/1 Dtd. 05/10.08.2015.
  5. Bulk SMS Plan 'F' - Provision of Bulk SMS in the new CUG contract under Plan 'F'. Lt.No. 2013/Tele/11(2)/1 Dtd. 23.07.2015.
  6. Security Helpline - Change of category of "182" All India Security Helpline.Lt.No. 2010/Tele/14(3)/1 Dtd. 12.05.2015
  7. CUG SIM IR - Provision of CUG Phones on Indian Railways . Lt.No. 2010/Tele/11(2)/2 Dtd. 15.04.2015.
  8. Schedule of Rates - Model schedule of rates wiki:UpLoads:SOR_Tele..pdf SOR for Telecom items . Lt.No. 2010/Tele/15(3)/2 Dtd. 07.04.2015.
  9. Telecom Equipments - System Improvement regarding elaborating the issues of Compatibility, performance of the Telecom equipments in the tender documents.Lt.No. 2015/Tele/15(18)/3 Dtd. 10.02.2015.
  10. Helpline Number - Single 3-digit All India Helpline Nomber (Excluding Security Helpline). Lt.No. 2010/Tele/14(3)/1 Dtd. 04.02.2015
  11. Security Helpline - All India Security Helpline Number 182 allotted for Indian Railways.Lt.No. 2010/Tele/14(3)/1 Dtd. 22.01.2015
  12. Wi-Fi At Station - Provision of Wi-Fi facility at all 'A' category Railway Stations. Lt.No. 2008/Tele/RCIL/1/Wi-Fi/Pt. Dtd. 16.01.2015

Letters of 2014

  1. Security Helpline - Three Digit No. '182' for All India Security Helpline. Lt.No. 2010/Tele/14(3)/1 Dtd. 29.12.2014
  2. CUG IR - Annexure F & G
  3. Security Helpline - Prevention of crime against Railway Passengers. Lt.No. 2010/Tele/14(3)/1 Dtd. 19.11.2014
  4. Security Helpline - Security Helpline number 1322. Lt.No. 2010/Tele/14(3)/1 Dtd. 16.10.2014
  5. Video Conferencing - Design, Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Video Conferencing System between Railway Board and Zonal Railways. Lt No.2011/Tele/15(10)2 Pt. Dtd. 22.09.2014
  6. Security Helpline - Integration of Short Code 1322 for Indian Railway Security helpline services. Lt.No. 2010/Tele/14(3)/1 Dtd. 12.09.2014
  7. Security Helpline - Setting up of Security Helpline Number 1322. Lt No.2010/Tele/14(3)/1 Dtd. 27.08.2014
  8. Use of Mobile - Precautions to be taken while using Mobile Phone during International Travel. Lt No.2010/Tele/11(2)/2 Dtd. 03.04.2014
  9. Wireless PA System - Specification for 'On Board Wireless PS System'. Lt No.2010/Tele/9(1)/1 Pt. Dtd. 10.01.2014

Letters of 2013

  1. GSM Sets for Driver & Guard (MTRC) - Permission for use of ordinary GSM set for Driver & Guard Communication for MTRC Network in Grand Chord in East Central Railway. Lt No.2010/Tele/11(1)/1 Pt. Dtd. 12.12.2013.
  2. DOT Guidelines for Wi-Fi Services - Wi-Fi Internet facillity in trains and other Railway locations. Lt No.2010/Tele/WP/09-10/Multimedia/Pt.I Dtd. 07.10.2013.
  3. OFC Vigilance MIS - Railway Vigilance Network. Lt.No.2010/VC/Vigilance MIS Project/4 Dtd. 23.09.2013
  4. OFC Maintenance - OFC Maintenance blocks by RCIL. Lt.No.2010/Tele/3(5)/1 Dtd. 23.08.2013
  5. Driver Guard Communication - Regarding communication between Drivers & Guards in Rajdhani/ Shatabdi type trains - Clarification. Lt.No.2010/Tele/11(3)/1 Dtd. 21.08.2013
  6. Emergency Socket - Regarding Emergency Socket Box made of FRP material. Lt.No.2006/Tele/TC/2 Dtd. 13.08.2013
  7. Telecom Manual - Indian Railway Telecom Manual. Lt.No.2007/Tele/TCM/1 Dtd. 25.06.2013
  8. Video Telephony - Regarding ISDN connectionfor Video Telephony. Lt. No. 2011/Tele/15(10)/2 pt Dtd. 25.06.2013
  9. Satellite Phone - Regarding Satellite Phone service for Railways for management of Railway Accidents / Disasters. Lt. No. 2012/Tele/11(4)1 Dtd. 18.06.2013
  10. FOIS - Requirement of Datacom Equipment for Commissioning of 53 CMS Lobbies over Western Railway. Lt. No. 2006/Tele/FOIS/Progress Dtd. 18.06.2013
  11. VHF sets MIL Standard - VHF sets - MIL Standard Compliance. Lt. No. 2013/Tele/11(3)/2 Dtd. 17.06.2013
  12. Video Conferencing - Video Conferencing Facility at IRIEEN and IRISET. Lt. No. 2011/Tele/15(10)/2 Dtd. 10.06.2013
  13. Video Phone - Provision of Video Phone at IRIEEN. Lt. No. 2011/Tele/15(10)/2 Dtd. 10.06.2013
  14. Control Failures - Control Failures on Indian Railways. Lt. No. 2013/Tele/15(10)/1 Dtd. 10.06.2013
  15. Cab Radio (IRPMU) - Provision of Cab Radio for Locomotives for MTRC Works (IRPMU). Lt. No. 2004/Tele/TP/7 pt Dtd. 20.05.2013
  16. Cab Radio - Provision of Cab Radio for Locomotives for MTRC Works. Lt. No. 2004/Tele/TP/7 pt Dtd. 20.05.2013
  17. OFC - Taking over of 8 fibres on OFC. Lt. No. 2006/Tele/TN/2 Dtd. 14.05.2013
  18. Satellite Phone - Re-positioning of Satellite phones. Lt. No. 2012/Tele/11(4)/1 Dtd. 10.04.2013
  19. ISS Work (Samjhauta Exp.) - Issues related to Cargo Security Screening for Samjhauta Express. Lt. No. 2010/Tele/WIP/ISS Dtd. 28.03.2013
  20. RailTel's Requirement for taking over 8 Fibre - RailTel's requirement of OFC in Branch Lines / Spur Routes and Remote Areas. Lt. No. 2012/Tele/6(3)/1 Dtd. 21.01.2013
  21. CUG for RDSO Staff - Enlarging the scope of CUG facility to provide mobile connection to Supervisory staff of RDSO. Lt. No. 2006/Tele/TN/1 Dtd. 16.01.2013
  22. TCSC 2012 - recommendation of 37th Telecom Standard Committee Meeting held on 23rd & 24th November, 2012 at secundrabad. Lt.No.2011/Tele/9(2)/1 Dtd. 10.01.2013.

Letters of 2012

  1. OFC Equipt - Synchronization of OFC equipment. Lt.No.2012/Tele/Misc Dtd. 11.12.2012
  2. Telecom Manual - Indian Railway Telecom Manual. Lt.No.2007/Tele/TCM/1 Dtd. 05.12.2012
  3. MTRC Working Group - Working Group on Mobile Radio Communication (MTRC). Lt.No.2012/Tele/11(12)/1 Dtd. 20.11.2012
  4. Railnet Upgradation - Transfer of Work of "Up-gradation of Railnet by providing centralized mailing system and security system at data centersand Railnet.locations. Lt.No.2011/Tele/6(3)/7 Dtd. 16.11.2012
  5. CUG meeting Minutes (Airtel) - Record of meeting held on 09/11/12 with M/s Airtel regarding CUG matters in the chamber of AM/Telecom in Railway Board. Lt.No.2010/Tele/11(2)/1 Dtd. 09.11.2012
  6. S&T Sheild - Criteria for selection Best Zone for S&T Efficiency Sheild.Lt.No.2012/Sig/S&T/Sheild Dtd. 29.09.2012
  7. BPAC on OFC - Issues with BPAC working on OF cable. Lt.No.2003/Tele/TP/1 Dtd. 17.09.2012
  8. Passenger Amenities Items - Comprehensive instructions for provision of Passenger Amenities at Station.Lt.No.2012/LM(PA)/3/5 Dtd. 11.09.2012
  9. Use of Phantom arrangement - Builing up of Super-imposed Datacom and Auto/Magneto circuits through phantom arrangements on any full quad already being used for VF grade primary circuits for extending data circuit/auto/magneto phone.Lt.No.2012/Tele/11(10)/1 Dtd. 16.08.2012
  10. Uniform Numbering Scheme MTRC Amdt 1.0 Version 1.0 - Uniform Numbering Scheme for Mobile Train Radio Communication network on Indian Railways.Lt.No.STT/WL/MTRC/503/General/Vol.III Dtd. 03.08.2012 -For Version 1.0 Click Here
  11. Yardsticks 2012-13 - Yardsticks for Gazetted staff in Construction Projects in the year 2012-13. Lt.No.2012/E&R/3/1(1) Dtd. 28.05.2012
  12. Exch 2012 - Provision of KTS Exchange at Railway Board. Lt.No.2012/Tele/15(16)/4 Dtd. 07.05.2012
  13. Laying OFC & QC 2012 - Laying practice of OFC and quad cable. Lt.No.2006/Tele/TP/1 Dtd. 03.05.2012
  14. SCNP 2012 - Allocation of 9 MHz Ku-band capacity in Transponder No. 6 on INSAT-4CR to Indian Railways. Lt.No.SCNP/F.631/12 Dtd. 27.04.2012
  15. ISS 2012 - Inspection of ISS equipment. Lt.No.2010/Tele/9(1)/1 Dtd. 26.04.2012
  16. Emergency Socket - Regarding Emergency Socket Box made of FRP material. Lt.No.2006/Tele/TC/2 Dtd. 02.04.2012
  17. OFC Maintenance 2012 - Maintenance of OFC system for automatic signalling. Lt.No.2010/Tele/3(5)/1 Dtd. 26.03.2012
  18. WPC 2012 - Royalty charges for Assignments of Frequencies to 'Captive Users' (users being charged on farmula basis) including all Government Users, involving Single Channel Operation for fixed/land/land Mobile Stations/terrestrial Broadcasting. Lt.No.P-11014/34/2009-PP(1)Dtd. 22.03.2012
  19. Fibre Maintenance - Proportionate fibre maintenance charges payable to RCIL for the year 2011-12. Lt. No.2011/Tele/6(3)/5 Dtd. 07.03.12
  20. Telephone Directory - Updation of Railway Board Telephone Directory. Lt.No.2012/Tele/TNL/5(MTD). Dtd. 06.03.2012
  21. VHF License - Validity of license for hand held VHF sets. Lt.No.2004/Tele/WL/2/Misc. Dtd. 03.02.2012
  22. CRB DO - CRB DO to Defence Secretary. Lt.No. 2011/Tele/15(10)/2 Dtd. 06.02.2012
  23. Instructions for IPDSLAM Work - Regarding implementation of the work of "Extension of Railnet to remote office locations and residential colony on Indian Railways". Lt.No.2000/Tele/TW/1/Railnet Works/Pt. Dtd. 24.1.12

Letters of 2011

  1. CUG IR (LOA) - Letter of Acceptance (LOA) for GSM Mobile Connection Under CUG over IR.
  2. IPv6 Adoption - Adoption of IPv6 network on Indian Railways. Lt. No. 2011/Tele/11(7)/1 Dtd. 30.12.2011
  3. IPv6 Adoption - IPv6 Adoption on Indian Railways. Lt. No. 2011/Tele/11(7)/1 Dtd. 24.10.2011
  4. DOT Guidelines (RE) - Guidelines from DOT for REPC Clearance. Lt. No. 96/RE/141/8 Pt.1 Dtd. 21.10.2011
  5. CUG for Non Gazetted - CUG mobile SIM to staff in Railway Board while transfer. Lt. No. 2006/Tele/TN/2 Dtd. 27.09.2011
  6. BSNL Mobile - Use of BSNL mobile & landline phone as emergency communication in Naupada-Gunupur section of East Coast Railway. Lt. No. 2011/Tele/11(12)/1 Dtd.19.09.2011
  7. TCSC 2011 - Recommendation of 36th Telecom Standard Committee meeting held on 12th & 13th May, 2011 at Bangalore. Lt. No. 2011/Tele/9(2)/1 Dtd. 16.09.2011
  8. RCIL Fibre - Proportionate fibre maintenance charges payable to RCIL for the year 2010-11. Lt.No. 2007/Tele/RCIL/2 Pt. Dtd. 14.09.2011
  9. Control Communication - Control Communication System. Lt. No. 2010/Tele/9(1)/1 Dtd. 07.09.2011
  10. IPv6 Adoption - Nomination of Nodal Officers for IPv6 adoption on Indian Railways and organisations under Ministry of Railways. Lt. No. 2011/Tele/11(7)/1 Dtd. 05.09.2011
  11. E-Mail ID - Email ID for Officers in domain. Lt. No. 2010/Tele/TW/1/Data Network Dtd. 30.08.2011
  12. CUG IR - CUG Mobile Phone for Indian Railways. Lt. No. 2010/Tele/11(2)1 Dtd. 26.08.2011
  13. Minutes of Meeting - Minutes of Meeting with IRPMU and RailTel held in Railway Board on 28.07.2011
  14. Failure Reporting - Failure Reporting to Railway Board. Lt No. 2008/Tele/TC/1 Dtd. 27.07.2011
  15. CUG IR (Plan) - Submission of Revised Mobile CUG Plan. Dtd. 31.08.2011
  16. Exch 2011 - Guidelines for implementation of Asterisk on Indian Railways. Lt No. 2011/Tele/15(3)/3 Dtd. 25.07.2011
  17. IP Network 2011 - Introduction of New Transport Technology. Lt No. 2010/Tele/9(1)/1 Dtd. 19.07.2011
  18. NGN 2011 - Allotment of STD code for connectivity to RailTel's CO's exchange to NGN Network. Lt No. 2010/Tele/6(3)/3/Pt. Dtd. 13.07.2011
  19. TCSC 2011 - Recommendation of 36th Telecom Standard Committee meeting held on 12th & 13th May, 2011 at Bangalore. Lt.No. 2011/Tele/9(2)/1 Dtd. 07.07.2011
  20. ISS 2011 - Inspection of Integrated Security System (ISS) Equipment Lt. No. 2010/Tele/9(1)/1 Dtd. 04.07.2011
  21. Centralized Email - Centralization of Railways email service Lt. No. 2009/Tele/TW/1/RailNet Dtd. 12.05.2011
  22. WPC 2011 - Allocation of frequency by WPC for use of Railways. Lt. No. 2002/Tele/WCM/6/Genl.Pt. Dtd. 10.05.2011
  23. IPDSLAM Work Guidelines - Regarding Work of "Extension of Railnet to remote office locations and residential colony on Indian Railways." Lt. No. 2000/Tele/TW/1/Railnet Works/Pt 1 dated 25.04.2011.

Letters of 2010

  1. L C Gate Telephone - Provision of independent telephonic communication with manned LC Gates of stations controlling multiple gates. Lt No.2010/Tele/11(11)/1 Dtd. 28.09.2010.
  2. Quad Cable 2010 - Procurement and Inspection of Quad cable jointing kit and accessories. Lt. No. 2010/Tele/11(10)/1 Dtd. 24.09.2010.
  3. VHF Battery - Replacement of Battery packs of the Walkie-Talkie sets used by Drivers & Guards. Lt. No. 2010/Tele/11(3)/1 Dtd. 19.08.2010 .
  4. FCT in ARTs - Recommendation of High level committee on Disaster Management(04 FCT in ART's). Lt. No. 2004/Tele/TN/2 Dtd. 04.06.2010
  5. CUG Audit Officer - CUG for Audit Officer. Lt. No. 2010/Tele/TN/1 Dtd. 19.05.2010
  6. MOU Document - Rly & RCIL - Memorandum of Understating. Lt. No. 2005/Tele/RCIL/1/Pt. Dtd. 15.04.2010
  7. CUG for Non Gazetted - Policy for CUG connection to non-gazetted staff in Railway Board. Lt. No. 2006/Tele/TN/2 Dtd. 03.02.2010
  8. V-SAT for UTS - Provision of V-SAT terminals for UTS connectivity. Lt. No. 2004/Tele/TN/2/pt Dtd. 15.01.2010

Letters of 2009

  1. Wireless - Inter Station Wireless Backup System.. L No. 2008/Tele/TP/1 Dtd. 25.05.2009.
  2. Satellite Phone - Use of Satellite Phones. L No. 99/Tele/TN/6 Dtd. 21.05.2009
  3. CUG Facility to RDSO Staff - Enlarging the scope of CUG facility to provide mobile connection to Supervisory staff of RDSO as on Zonal Railways. Lt. No. 2006/Tele/TN/1 Dtd. 01.04.2009
  4. True Colour Display Board - Provision of True Colour Display Boards for Passenger Information System. Lt. No. 2003/Tele/TCM/1/Pt. Dtd. 30.03.2009.
  5. VSAT - Maintenance of VSAT Terminals. Lt. No. 2006/Tele/FOIS/Progress Dtd. 09.03.2009.
  6. VHF Battery - Battery for VHF based Walkie-Talkie sets. Lt. No. 2002/Tele/WE/1/WT Dtd. 13.02.2009 .

Letters of 2008

  1. Call Limit CUG - Call Limit of CUG Phones. Lt. No. 2006/Tele/TN/1/Pt.II Dtd. 07.08.2008
  2. IT Network - Guidelines for Design, Implementation, Management & Maintenance Data networks for PRS & UTS. Lt. No. 2007/Tele/WP/1 Dtd. 22.02.2008

Letters of 2007

  1. RCIL Works - Execution of RCIL works by RailTel - Review of payment terms. Lt. No. 2006/Tele/RCIL/4 Dtd. 10.12.2007
  2. Spectrum Charges Policy on payment of spectrum charges to Ministry of Communications. Lt. No. 2002/Tele/WCM/6/Genl./Pt. Dtd. 17.10.07
  3. IT Network - Guidelines for Design, Implementation, Management & Maintenance Data networks for PRS/UTS. Lt. No. 2006/C&IS/WP 2007-08/AZR/UTS/10 Dtd. 03.09.2007
  4. RCIL Works - Execution of work by RailTel. Lt. No. 2006/Tele/RCIL/4 Dtd. 14.06.2007
  5. Guidelines for Railnet Network Guidelines for Railnet Network Lt. No. 2000/Tele/TW/1/Railnet Works Pt dt. 30.04.2007.
  6. Recommendation 97 (DM) - Recommendation on High Level Committee on Disaster Management - Recommendation No. 97 Lt. No. 2004/Tele/TN/2 Dtd. 27.04.2007
  7. IT Network - Design, Provision, installation, Maintenance & commissioning of telecom Data network for IT application.Lt. No. 2007/Tele/WP/1 Dtd. 05.03.2007
  8. IT Network - Design, Provision, installation, Maintenance & commissioning of telecom Data network for IT application.Lt. No. 2007/Tele/WP/1 Dtd. 12.02.2007

Letters of 2006

  1. Recommendation 98 & 99 (DM) - Recommendations of the High Level Committee on Disaster Management - Recommendation No. 98 & 99 Lt. No. 2004/Tele/TN/2 Dtd. 18.09.2006
  2. DoT/MTNL Limit - Economy in non-plan expenditure - Payment DoT/MTNL Bills Lt. No. 97/Tele/TE/1 Dtd. 12.07.2006
  3. Codal Life - Revised Codal Life for Assets Lt. No. 2002/AC-II/1/10 Dtd. 25.05.2006
  4. WPC 2006 - Guidelines for dealing with WPC. Lt. No. 2002/Tele/WCM/6/Genl/Pt. Dtd. 03.04.2006

Letters of 2005

  1. Uniform Numbering Scheme MTRC - Uniform Numbering Scheme for Mobile Train Radio Communication network on Indian Railways.Lt.No.STT/WL/MTRC/503 Dtd.11.11.2005

Letters of 2004

  1. Quad Cable Procurement - Procurement of Quad Cable to IRS: TC 30/97. Lt. No. 2003/Tele/TP/1 DTd. 09.03.04
  2. JPO 2004 - Joint Procedure Order for undertaking digging work in the vicinity of underground Signalling, Electrical and Telecommunication Cables. Lt. No. 2004/Sig/G/7

Letters of 2003

  1. Quad Cable 2003 - Laying of Quad Cable along with OFC. Lt. No. 2003/Tele/TP/1 Dtd. 08.08.2003

Letters of 2002

  1. Preventive Measures (Fire) - Fire accident in Cable Store at Vijayawada - RE Depot - Preventive Measures Regarding. Lt. No. 2000/Tele/TE/6 Dtd. 16.04.2002
  2. Speed Certificate from RDSO - Speed certificate for operation of Rajdhani Express and other similar trains with WDP2 class of locomotive between New Delhi - Bangalore. Lt. No. SD.POL 12.10 Dtd. 29.01.2002

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